Dithering allows an image to be represented by a smaller number of colors. Each pixel is rounded to the closest color from the given palette, and the error is rounded to the surrounding pixels. Ordinarily, this process is invisible. Dither Studies makes it as visible as possible by dithering images with no content: either solid colors or simple gradients. A color palette of complementary colors is used so they never visually recombine. Although the dithering algorithms are simple to understand and rooted in a simple logical process, the resulting patterns feel complex and irrational.
They are a selection of the Rhizome ArtBase at the New Museum. They were reviewed in the Brooklyn Rail and featured on Art F City, Triangulation Blog and on Fast Company's Co.Design Blog
Interactive tool to generate Dither Studies using the most common dithering algorithms.
A collaboration with Photoshop. I give the program an impossible task: to draw a solid color or gradient with a palette of incompatible colors, thus exposing the dithering algorithm's complex, seemingly irrational patterns.
Dither Studies printed across flip flops were exhibited at Higher Pictures, Mana Contemporary, and Esther Klein Gallery.
Dither Studies for Anthony Antonellis's credit card curation project.